Yoga Inspiration

Inspiration on the mat

What inspires us to practice Yoga? What keeps us stepping back onto the mat?

When it’s difficult to find the time or motivation to keep practising, it seems important to keeping asking this question. It’s not enough to read how good yoga is for us, or to hear it from a friend who’s caught the Yoga bug. We have to feel it ourselves.

This Saturday just gone, ten of Yoga at the Mill’s lovely teachers got together and shared a dynamic practice, followed by soft, resting postures. The practice, derived from an Indian form of movement called Dragon Dance (a dynamic, fluid sequence inspired by Indian and Daoist Yoga traditions), was new to most of us.

It got us flowing, breathing, twisting and turning. Comfort zones were playfully pushed, co-ordination challenged (mine anyway!).

Beautifully led by our own Magali, the experience challenged, energised, refreshed. It got us turning to the back of the studio, and then forwards again; it turned us partially upside down in dynamic Wild Thing moves! And in the flow and laughter; in the ‘wrong’ moves that didn’t matter, bodies were mindfully challenged, perspectives shifted. It made us feel good, and offered inspiration for our own practice and teaching.

Saturday’s practice again reminded me of the importance, on and off the mat, of doing different things; of being challenged and of not taking ourselves too seriously. Of remaining inspired and open to new experiences. Of gently extending comfort zones and finding teachers who will support and also challenge us - mentally as well as physically.

And, most importantly of all, learning to really enjoy and appreciate our own bodies, and what they can - rather than what they can’t - do.

Footnote: Magali takes our lovely Monday 7.15-8.15pm Mondy Mindful Yoga Flow class, our Tuesday 7.15-8.15pm Strong Beginners and our Saturday 11.15-12.30pm Vinyasa Flow sessions.

Coming up: Replenish Workshops with Sophie, on Saturday Feb 28 and March 29; for beginners upwards. Magali will also be teaching a Dragon Dance workshop shortly. Please click here for details.

Lucia is YATM’s co-founder and an experienced Yoga and Mindfulness teacher.