Top tips for winter wellbeing

With the blaze and festivities of Christmas over for another year, daylight in short supply and energy levels often low, January and February can feel flat and tough. How can we move through these winter months with more ease, grace and perhaps even enjoyment?

What lies at the heart of winter time? Our ancestors knew these deep winter months as a sacred time for reflection, slowing down and turning inwards. A time when life is stripped back to essentials leaving space to attend to what matters most.

Looking north towards our Scandinavian cousins, who live in a land where winters are far darker and harsher, we see them embracing friendships, the great outdoors and hygge. Whether we like it or not winter is here for now: it will melt into spring soon enough but in the meantime, will it serve us best to embrace it or push it away?

Here are our top five tips for winter wellbeing:

1. Nourish yourself with inspiring learning: what makes your heart sing?

This is the perfect season to learn a language (we can highly recommend Duolingo) or a musical instrument or take an online course. From mindfulness to cookery, economics to dress-making, there’s bound to be something out there that will ignite your enthusiasm - and without leaving the comfort of home: there’s a huge array of live stream courses available, many free of charge! Perhaps you are considering re-training or simply re-visiting something that makes your heart sing. What are you drawn to learn that, ten years down the line, you will truly thank yourself for? Intention (or sankalpa) followed by steady daily practice and persistence will serve you well.

2. Embrace stillness

Winter is nature's way of encouraging us to slow down and embrace rare quiet moments. Instead of resisting the stillness, why not surrender to it? Take a leisurely stroll through a park. Can you tune into your senses and become aware of the call of a robin, the sound of your feet to the earth, snowdrops heralding change?

3. Prana: what are you taking in?

In the yoga tradition prona means breath, but the concept is far wider than this, referring to everything - including the company we keep, the media we consumer and the food we eat - that we take in. Seek out plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables, hearty soups and warm drinks. Then some healthy-ish dark chocolate, or whatever your weakness happens to be - for balance!

4. Embrace hygge

The Danish concept of hygge captures the essence of winter wellbeing. One definition of hygge is: ‘a quality of cosiness and conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or wellbeing’. Hygge relies on creating atmosphere and revelling in simple pleasures. Create soothing cozy nooks in your home with soft blankets, flickering candles, and a good book.

5. Connect with nature

Bundle up and venture outside to connect with the energy of winter. Whether it's a brisk walk or a thrilling day on the slopes, nature has a way of rejuvenating our spirits, settling our minds and invigorating our bodies. If you’re unable to go outside, take a few minutes out to bird watch or look at the sky. Buy some daffodils! Can you naturally feel your breathing settle and deepen?

6. How are you looking after yourself?

Winter is the ideal time to indulge in self-care rituals. Treat yourself to a luxurious hot bath with soothing essential oils. Take time for mindfulness practices such as gentle yoga to nourish your mind and soul. A well-cared-for self is better equipped to face the challenges of the season.

Words by Lucia Cockcroft, mindfulness and mindful yoga teacher and co-founder of Yoga at the Mill. To see YATM’s live stream yoga schedule go here. For details of our weekly live streamed Tuesday 7.30pm relaxation and mindfulness class go here.